Teens Changing the World
The world may be getting smaller because of modern technology, but we are also growing further apart now that it is easy to see and experience conflicts. The truth is that world peace and personal happiness are only possible if we can help create prosperity for all, no matter where we are from and what we may look like.
Global Education Destinations is a global think tank for teens by teens. We help teens to build understanding and friendships across racial and cultural borders as equal global citizens through Buddies Without Borders club activities. Join us to brainstorm solutions to solve problems that impact us all in the Buddies Without Borders Online Forums; design actionable projects and enjoy weekly conversations with like-minded teens around the world in BWB Clubs; and explore what it is like studying internationally at colleges that stand out for their SDGs effort and programs in Destination Workshops.
Most importantly, we have fun! See the impact report here.