According to the World Economic Forum’s report, it will take more than 100 years to close the global gender gap. All over the world, women are paid less than men for doing the same jobs; girls receive less schooling than boys of the same age. Based on the analysis of the World Bank, if women are given the same opportunities as men, the world economy can grow by $28 trillion dollars.
Solving the challenges women face in getting their fair share of opportunities may just provide the best return on investment in any country. For more than two months, students around the world formed international teams to review microloans on KIVA. The teams designed logos and brochures, conducted country analyses and market evaluations, and brainstormed ideas to improve their chosen businesses. These proposals were then assessed by their Forum peers, our BWB panelists as well as the voting public, you.
While everyone did a fantastic job, here are the winners announced during the Award Ceremony on Saturday, May 6th:

The Best Team: Team A2
Representing Uganda
Marlene Clara Walter - Goetheschule Essen (Germany)
Ananya Mahesh - Chirec International School (US/India)
Tala Shadi Salameh - Ramallah Friends School (Palestine)
Víctor Bataller - Los Sauces (Spain)

People's Choice Team: Team B7 Representing Vietnam
Alexandra Campos -Springmont Montessori School (USA/Argentina/Colombia)
Abner Cho-Yuan Chen - Taipei Private Tsai Hsing School (Taiwan)
Megha Siripurapu - Lovejoy High School

The Best Representative:
From Germany - Marlene Walter, Goetheschule Essen (Germany)

Anaavi Sharma - Shiv Nadar School, Gurgaon (India)
Akshita Agrawal - Shiv Nadar School, Gurgaon (India)
Ananya Mahesh - Chirec International School (India)
Alexandra Campos - Springmont Montessori School (USA/Argentina/Colombia)

Pioneers to Lead BWB Clubs:
Alexandra Campos - Springmont Montessori School (USA/Argentina/Colombia) *scholarship
Mauricio Bernedo Guillén (scholarship recipient) - I.E.P. San Jerónimo (Peru) *scholarship
Akshita Agrawal - Shiv Nadar School (India)
Davidoula Georgopoulou - Arsakeio High School of Ioannina (Greece)
Dylan Maxene Silapan - Binus School Simprug (Indonesia)
Equinox Nejmarch Tambing Hutabarat - SMA N 8 Yogyakarta (Indonesia)
Ananya Mahesh - Chirec International School (India)
Johann Kaufmann - Goetheschule Essen (Germany)
Megha Siripurapu - Lovejoy High School (USA)
Anaavi Sharma - Shiv Nadar School (India)
Naomi Okugo - Notre Dame Academy (Nigeria/USA)
Nourel Filmon - Friends School (Palestine)
Prachi Agarwal - DRS International (India)
Please join us in congratulating all these amazing students! We cannot wait to see where they will take the world. Calling all changemakers to join us in the next Forum: AquaAlliance: Flood, Drought or Pollution? Mobilizing Youth to Solve Water Crises