"Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it." ~ Michaelangelo
If we want to be the authors of our stories, shouldn't we be the ones to do the discovery? During the application process, students were asked to describe what they would like to get out of the Forum. Then, as we go through each milestone event, the students reflect on what they have done and how it is going. Done conscientiously, this process of self-discovery helps the students to become what they set out to be. We believe in the power of setting the intention. If we are honest and clear about our purpose, the rest is simply chipping away the obstacles. In the end, we become who we are meant to be.
Tomorrow we will acknowledge those who knew what they want to be and worked hard to chip away the obstacles. Three more hours before we close the public vote for the People's Choice Award. Hundreds of votes have been cast and we hope to hear from you as well.
Next up - join us to set our intention to create a healthier and happier new normal in the next Forum. The application is open.