BWB Clubs
Think Globally, Act Locally. International mindedness is best learned through cross-cultural friendship and global citizenship. We care more when we are a part of it.
Successful Buddies Without Borders Online Forums participants are offered the opportunity to establish BWB Clubs in their schools to benefit all students who are interested in socializing with other like-minded students around the world via our International Club Meetups, discussing issues that impact all of us via our monthly Global Chats. These school-based think tanks and action teams are led by student leaders under the guidance of Global Education Destinations and the supervision of school officials. Club presidents are given the opportunity to learn important leadership skills by organizing Local Action Projects. Club members are encouraged to share ideas and perspectives in a safe and judgment-free online social group across the world.
BWB Club members earn scholarships to represent their schools in Forum competitions and attend workshops including college previews and beyond. BWB Clubs are by invitation only. Information sessions are made available for all Forum participants and school officials. Click here to schedule a meeting. More than 30 BWB Clubs have been launched worldwide. Click on the green anchors on the map to learn about each BWB Club.